The iconic sheep knitting project bag from Eldenwood Craft

Sheep project bags - everything you need to know

Sheep knitting project bag on a wooden table

A little bit about the sheep project bags

These beautiful sheep face project bags are Eldenwood Craft's most popular project bag. I started selling them in March 2017 and since that point I've sent hundreds out into the hands of makers all over the world. 

Of course I have purloined a couple for myself and find them particularly useful for blanket projects and sweater projects. 

Sheep knitting project bag in front of a blue wall


The bags have seen a few reincarnations over the years but they have always remained visually stunning and extremely good at their job of looking after your larger knitting and crochet projects - or indeed a few small ones. The bags come in two sizes, a Midi project bag perfect for large shawls and small garments, and an XL project bag which is a great size for garments and blankets. These days they have handles - a side handle on the Midi and two carrying handles on the XL - and both project bag sizes have pockets inside. 

Some new sheep bag owners have given their sheep names. Why wouldn't you!! I've been told about sheep being named Malcolm, Barbara (of course!), Norman and Bob. It always makes me smile to think of these named sheep sitting in makers' houses keeping them company as they knit or crochet away. I wonder if anyone chats to their sheep!

Sheep knitting project bag on a wooden table with yarn


Without a doubt, the questions I am asked most often are either 'can I order / reserve a sheep bag' or 'when will you have more sheep bags in stock'.

I thought it would be helpful to answer these questions for you. 

Can I order or reserve a sheep bag? 

The simple answer to this is no I’m afraid. I don’t run the sheep listings in this way. However I do relist the sheep on a reasonably regular basis and so there are plenty of opportunities to pick one up through my regular shop updates. 

Sheep knitting project bag infront of a blue wall. There is yarn on the table.

When will the sheep project bags be resisted? 

I try to pop new sheep listings in my shop every two to three months. The frequency will depend on what else is happening in the shop and fabric availability. The most reliable way to find the precise date of updates is to subscribe to my regular newsletter - ECHQ News. I only release advance notice of sheep updates in my newsletter and so if you don't want to miss out I highly recommend signing up, which you can do here (opens in a separate window). My newsletter is sent out roughly once a month and as well as finding out about the sheep, I also chat a little bit about what I’ve been up to since last writing, let you know about other project bag updates, and give you access to subscriber special project bags and the occasional discount too. I think it’s well worth signing up to!

I hope that has proved helpful but of course if you have any questions do ask!

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