
Eldenwood Craft podcast episode 35 - November 2021

Eldenwood Craft podcast episode 35 - November 2021

Here are the notes that accompany the latest podcast episode in which I share what I’ve been making since my last video. You’ll find the video over on my YouTube...

Eldenwood Craft podcast episode 35 - November 2021

Here are the notes that accompany the latest podcast episode in which I share what I’ve been making since my last video. You’ll find the video over on my YouTube...

A project bag hangs from a coat peg. Next to it is a Litmus Cowl and on the shelf above are some balls of yarn and a trailing plant.

What can I fit in my project bag?

A run through of the different sizes of project bags currently on offer in the Eldenwood Craft shop, with a description of what size project each is useful for.

What can I fit in my project bag?

A run through of the different sizes of project bags currently on offer in the Eldenwood Craft shop, with a description of what size project each is useful for.

Eldenwood Craft podcast

Eldenwood Craft podcast episode 34 - October 2021

The Eldenwood Craft podcast is a space for me to share what I've been making with you. You'll find it over on my YouTube channel. The best way not to...

Eldenwood Craft podcast episode 34 - October 2021

The Eldenwood Craft podcast is a space for me to share what I've been making with you. You'll find it over on my YouTube channel. The best way not to...

Eldenwood Craft knitting and crafting podcast

Podcast Episode 33 - September 2021 - Show Notes

Here are the details of what I chatted about in this podcast episode. You can view the episode by clicking on the image above. Podcast Admin 🍂 Prize winners announced...

Podcast Episode 33 - September 2021 - Show Notes

Here are the details of what I chatted about in this podcast episode. You can view the episode by clicking on the image above. Podcast Admin 🍂 Prize winners announced...

Shipping update January 2021

Shipping update January 2021

Wishing you all the very healthiest and safest of New Years. I sincerely hope 2021 is a significant improvement on last year. I won’t dwell on what has been and...

Shipping update January 2021

Wishing you all the very healthiest and safest of New Years. I sincerely hope 2021 is a significant improvement on last year. I won’t dwell on what has been and...

A further overseas shipping update

I have listened. You guys were not keen on the tracked only shipping and to be honest it ultimately wasn’t a great business decision based on recent shop activity. So...


A further overseas shipping update

I have listened. You guys were not keen on the tracked only shipping and to be honest it ultimately wasn’t a great business decision based on recent shop activity. So...